Portuguese Sentences About Space

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate destination for expanding your Portuguese vocabulary with themed sentences! Dive into the cosmos of language learning with our curated list of 20 captivating Portuguese sentences about "Space." Each sentence is equipped with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation, and English translations to aid comprehension. Ideal for intermediate Portuguese learners, these phrases will catapult your skills to new heights. Explore the universe of words and master Portuguese phrases that will make you shine in any conversation about the final frontier. Start your interstellar journey to fluency with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A Estação Espacial Internacional é um incrível feito da engenharia.

    The International Space Station is an amazing feat of engineering.

  • A gravidade prende os planetas ao sol.

    Gravity binds the planets to the sun.

  • Algumas estrelas são dificilmente visíveis a olho nu.

    Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.

  • A Lua é um satélite da Terra.

    The moon is a satellite of the Earth.

  • A Terra orbita em torno do sol.

    The Earth orbits around the sun.

  • Através do telescópio, eu posso observar estrelas.

    Through the telescope, I can observe stars.

  • Consigo identificar apenas duas ou três constelações no céu noturno.

    I can pick out only two or three constellations in the night sky.

  • Contra todas as expectativas, a nave espacial Apollo retornou em segurança à Terra.

    Against all expectations, the Apollo spacecraft made it safely back to Earth.

  • De onde vêm os cometas?

    Where do comets come from?

  • Ele é um especialista em astronomia.

    He is an expert in astronomy.

  • Eles lançaram um foguete.

    They launched a rocket.

  • Eu quero ser um astronauta.

    I want to be an astronaut.

  • Fui abduzido por alienígenas.

    I was abducted by aliens.

  • Havia incontáveis estrelas no céu.

    There were countless stars in the sky.

  • Meu avô acredita que a chegada do homem à lua foi uma farsa.

    My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax.

  • Nossos cálculos mostram que o foguete está fora de sua rota.

    Our calculations show that the rocket is off its course.

  • Nós vamos explorar todos os planetas que orbitam o sol.

    We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.

  • Nós vimos um disco voador.

    We saw a flying saucer.

  • Os astrônomos estudam estrelas e planetas.

    Astronomers study stars and planets.

  • Voos para a lua foram uma vez considerados absurdos.

    Flights to the moon were once thought absurd.

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