Romanian Sentences About Transportation
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
A atașat caravana la mașina sa.
He hitched the caravan to his car.
Acest drum duce la Hong Kong.
This road leads to Hong Kong.
A întors volanul la dreapta.
He turned the wheel to the right.
Am o pană de cauciuc.
I got a flat tire.
Am văzut-o la gară.
I saw her at the station.
Autobuzul se îndrepta spre nord.
The bus was heading north.
Axul este rupt.
The axle is broken.
Bicicleta ta este mult mai nouă decât a mea.
Your bicycle is much newer than mine.
Camionul era încărcat cu mărfuri.
The lorry was loaded with goods.
Costul construirii căii ferate a fost foarte ridicat.
The cost of building the railroad was very high.
Două camioane s-au ciocnit.
Two trucks bumped together.
Există suficient spațiu pentru o altă mașină.
There is ample room for another car.
Faci naveta la școală cu autobuzul?
Do you commute to school by bus?
Mașina a explodat la câteva momente după coliziune.
The car exploded a few moments after the collision.
Motorul s-a oprit în timp ce funcționa la ralanti.
The engine stopped while it was idling.
Multe mașini trec pe aici în fiecare zi.
Many cars pass here every day.
Nava a fost pierdută pe mare.
The vessel was lost at sea.
Ne-am întâlnit cu ei la stația de autobuz.
We ran into them at the bus terminal.
Roțile s-au murdărit de noroi.
The wheels got all muddy.
Vehiculele sunt inspectate pentru depistarea defectelor cel puțin o dată la trei luni.
The vehicles are inspected for defects at least every three months.
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