Russian Sentences About Agreeing

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Enhance your Russian vocabulary with Clozemaster’s curated collection of 20 sentences about "Agreeing" in Russian. Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, each sentence features clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. These Russian sentences and phrases are designed to help you master everyday conversations, ensuring you can confidently express agreement in various contexts. Dive into this carefully crafted resource to boost your language skills and become more fluent in Russian. Whether you're practicing speaking, listening, or comprehending Russian, our list makes the learning process engaging and effective. Explore now and elevate your proficiency in intermediate Russian!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Великие умы сходятся в едином мнении.

    Great minds think alike.

  • Голосование было единогласным.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Мы договорились о времени встречи.

    We agreed on the meeting time.

  • Мы подписали соглашение вчера.

    We signed the agreement yesterday.

  • Она одобрила мой план.

    She approved of my plan.

  • Она с неохотой согласилась на наше предложение.

    She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.

  • Они одобряют.

    They approve.

  • Они согласились на временное перемирие.

    They agreed to a temporary truce.

  • Они согласились с этим единогласно.

    They agreed to it unanimously.

  • Теория найдет общее признание.

    The theory will find general acceptance.

  • Ты был абсолютно прав.

    You were totally right.

  • Что касается меня, у меня нет возражений.

    As for me, I have no objection.

  • Это имеет мое одобрение.

    This has my approval.

  • Я полностью согласен с вами всеми.

    I fully agree with all of you.

  • Я принимаю ваши условия.

    I accept your terms.

  • Я согласен с ним.

    I agree with him.

  • Я согласен с частью твоих мысле.

    I agree with some of your opinions.

  • Я уверен, что вы отлично справитесь.

    I'm convinced you'll do great.

  • Я удивляюсь, как вы могли согласиться на предложение.

    I marvel at how you could agree to the proposal.

  • Я частично согласен с тобой.

    I partly agree with you.

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