Russian Sentences About Describing Places

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Looking to boost your intermediate Russian skills? Our Clozemaster page featuring 20 sentences about "Describing Places" in Russian is perfect for expanding your Russian vocabulary. Each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. By mastering these practical Russian phrases, you'll be well-prepared to describe locations accurately and confidently. Whether you're traveling to Russia or simply advancing your language skills, these targeted sentences are an invaluable resource. Dive into our curated list and enrich your understanding of Russian sentences today! Start improving your intermediate Russian vocabulary effortlessly with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Американские кухни гораздо больше, чем японские.

    American kitchens are much bigger than Japanese ones.

  • Аэродром на острове теперь покрыт сорняками.

    The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds.

  • В театре пусто.

    The theater is empty.

  • Данная местность была очень тихой.

    The surrounding area was very quiet.

  • Достопримечательности в Риме захватывают дух.

    The sights in Rome are breathtaking.

  • Земля была очень неровной.

    The ground was very uneven.

  • Какая узкая лестница!

    What narrow stairs!

  • Какое красивое место!

    What a beautiful place!

  • Мой дом большой.

    My house is big.

  • Мы арендовали уютную избушку в горах.

    We rented a cozy cabin in the mountains.

  • Он живет в деревне.

    He lives in a village.

  • Они живут в хорошем районе.

    They live in a nice neighborhood.

  • Они живут на окраине.

    They live in the suburbs.

  • Парк тенистый.

    The park is shady.

  • Посмотрите вокруг вас.

    Look around you.

  • С далека, остров казался облаком.

    Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.

  • Теперь мы видим интерьер замка.

    Now, we see the interior of the castle.

  • Том мог слышать птиц, щебечущих за окном.

    Tom could hear birds chirping outside his window.

  • Церковь окружена лесами и озерами.

    The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.

  • Это самое глубокое озеро в Японии.

    This is the deepest lake in Japan.

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