Russian Sentences About Directions

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Improve your Russian vocabulary with our collection of 20 essential sentences about "Directions" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations, making it easier than ever to master key Russian phrases. Whether you’re navigating a city or asking for directions, our expertly curated sentences will boost your confidence and communicative skills. Enhance your language proficiency today by exploring these practical and real-world Russian sentences. Dive in now to elevate your grasp on intermediate Russian vocabulary and phrases! Join Clozemaster and transform your Russian learning experience.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Автобус направлялся на север.

    The bus was heading north.

  • Будьте осторожны, переходя улицу.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Интересно, какой путь самый короткий.

    I wonder which way is the shortest.

  • Используйте карту, чтобы найти пункт назначения.

    Use the map to find the destination.

  • Метро справа!

    The metro is on the right!

  • Мы должны выбрать более короткий путь.

    We should take the quicker route.

  • Нам нужна навигация, чтобы туда добраться.

    We need navigation to get there.

  • Она приехала с севера.

    She comes from the north.

  • Он повёл нас на вокзал.

    He led us to the station.

  • Он посмотрел направо.

    He looked to the right.

  • Он шёл в сторону парка.

    He walked towards the park.

  • Осторожно, яма на земле!

    Watch out for the hole in the ground!

  • Отнесите сумки наверх.

    Take the bags upstairs.

  • Погуляйте вдоль края парка.

    Walk along the edge of the park.

  • Садитесь в круг.

    Sit in a circle.

  • Согните колени и смотрите перед собой.

    Bend your knees and look in front of you.

  • Солнце заходит на западе.

    The sun sets in the west.

  • Спускайтесь с горы, распределяя вес равномерно на оба лыжи.

    Slide down the hill while distributing your weight equally on both skis.

  • Эта дорога соединяет два города.

    This road connects the two cities.

  • Я знаю короткий путь.

    I know a shortcut.

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