Russian Sentences About History

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Enhance your Russian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "History" in Russian, perfect for intermediate learners. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to aid in comprehension and pronunciation. These carefully selected Russian sentences and phrases are designed to help you deepen your understanding of historical context while improving your overall language skills. Dive into the world of Russian history and expand your vocabulary with authentic sentences that enhance both listening and reading proficiency. Ideal for intermediate Russian learners, this resource is a must-have for mastering the language.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Аристократы жили к востоку и западу от императорского дворца.

    Aristocrats lived to the east and west of the imperial palace.

  • Битва была яростной и невероятно кровопролитной.

    The battle was fierce and unbelievably bloody.

  • В начале двадцать первого века было много технологических достижений.

    There were many technological advances at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

  • Воины атаковали замок.

    The warriors attacked the castle.

  • Генерал отдал приказ к отступлению.

    The general gave the order to retreat.

  • Город находился в осаде несколько месяцев.

    The city was under siege for months.

  • Доисламские арабы были кочевниками.

    The pre-Islamic Arabs were nomads.

  • Древние люди любили рассказывать истории о храбрости.

    Ancient people liked to tell stories of bravery.

  • Железных дорог не было.

    There were no railroads.

  • Исландия раньше принадлежала Дании.

    Iceland used to belong to Denmark.

  • Кто правил этой страной?

    Who ruled this country?

  • Миф дает возможность понять древнюю цивилизацию.

    The myth offers insights into the ancient civilization.

  • Можно сказать, что этот перевод исторически точен.

    You could say this translation is historically accurate.

  • Некоторые говорят, что он никогда не существовал.

    Some say he never existed.

  • Она исследовала этнические корни своей семьи.

    She explored her family's ethnic roots.

  • Река когда-то протекала через центр города.

    The river once flowed through the center of the city.

  • Союзники не тратили времени впустую.

    The allies wasted no time.

  • Хлеб - это самая простая и древнейшая пища в мире.

    Bread is the simplest and oldest food in the world.

  • Это историческое здание.

    This is a historical building.

  • Этот археологический памятник был поврежден во время войны.

    This archaeological site was damaged during the war.

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