Russian Sentences About Hobbies

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Hobbies" in Russian, designed to boost your Russian vocabulary to the next level. Each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations, specifically crafted to assist intermediate Russian learners in mastering everyday Russian phrases. Whether you're focusing on expanding your Russian sentences repertoire or solidifying your knowledge in intermediate Russian, our comprehensive and engaging examples provide a practical approach to language learning. Dive in now and transform your language skills with Clozemaster's interactive, audio-enhanced experience!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Бабушка всегда любила для нас вязать.

    Grandma always loved knitting for us.

  • Бабушка любит смотреть телевизор.

    Grandma likes watching TV.

  • Жонглирование на самом деле гораздо проще, чем кажется.

    Juggling is actually a lot easier than it looks.

  • Захватывающая видеоигра привлекла все мое внимание.

    The thrilling video game took all my attention.

  • Лиам хочет сыграть в пьесе.

    Liam wants to act in the play.

  • Мой муж и я раньше вместе ходили в горы.

    My hubby and I used to go mountain climbing together.

  • Она играет на флейте.

    She plays the flute.

  • Она любит делать хлеб.

    She likes to make bread.

  • Она любит рисовать при дневном свете.

    She loves painting in the daylight.

  • Она сыграла сонату.

    She played a sonata.

  • Он искусный йог.

    He is a skilled yogi.

  • Он любит ездить на велосипеде по утрам.

    He loves cycling in the morning.

  • Он любит разбирать электрические устройства.

    He likes to take electric devices apart.

  • Он пристрастиля к комиксам.

    He's a junkie for comic books.

  • Том обычно читает только заголовки.

    Tom usually only reads the headlines.

  • Том хороший гитарист.

    Tom is a good guitarist.

  • Ты умеешь жонглировать?

    Do you know how to juggle?

  • Я играл на гармошке.

    I played the accordion.

  • Я играл на тромбоне.

    I used to play the trombone.

  • Я играю в видеоигры.

    I play video games.

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