Russian Sentences About Music

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to resource for mastering Russian vocabulary! Dive into our collection of 20 curated sentences about "Music" in Russian, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio for flawless pronunciation and English translations for better comprehension. Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, these sentences will boost your understanding of common Russian phrases and support your journey to fluency. Whether you aim to grow your Russian vocabulary or seek practical Russian sentences for daily use, our expertly designed exercises cater to all your language learning needs. Start enhancing your linguistic skills today with Clozemaster's interactive and engaging approach.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Волынки издают очень странный звук.

    Bagpipes produce a very strange sound.

  • Вы идёте на концерт?

    Are you going to the concert?

  • Духовой оркестр громко затрубил в свои трубы.

    The marching band blared their trumpets.

  • Её родители решили, что она будет играть на виолончели.

    Her parents decided that she would play the cello.

  • Мне жаль, что я не научился играть на пианино.

    I regret not learning piano.

  • Музыка - высшее откровение, которое важнее мудрости и философии.

    Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

  • Музыка успокаивает душу.

    Music soothes the soul.

  • Она испытывала страстный интерес к музыке.

    She had a passionate interest in music.

  • Она любит слушать джазовую музыку.

    She loves listening to jazz music.

  • Она сыграла сонату.

    She played a sonata.

  • Он замечательно играл на скрипке.

    He played the violin wonderfully.

  • Он известный композитор.

    He is a famous composer.

  • Он спел печальную балладу.

    He sang a mournful ballad.

  • Он щёлкнул пальцами в такт.

    He snapped his fingers to the beat.

  • Студентам, изучающим музыку, нужна ежедневная практика.

    Music students need daily practice.

  • Том играл на трубе.

    Tom was playing the trumpet.

  • Том сочинил эту композицию несколько лет назад.

    Tom composed that piece several years ago.

  • Том стал знаменитым скрипачом.

    Tom became famous as a violinist.

  • У меня есть два билета на концерт.

    I've got two tickets for the concert.

  • У него никогда не было таланта сочинять мелодии.

    He never had the talent for composing melodies.

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