Russian Sentences About Space

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Enhance your Russian vocabulary with our engaging page on Clozemaster featuring 20 captivating sentences about "Space" in Russian. Each sentence is meticulously designed to boost your language skills with accurate text-to-speech audio and comprehensive English translations. Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, you'll find a variety of Russian phrases and sentences that will deepen your understanding of this fascinating topic. Use these space-themed examples to explore new words, improve pronunciation, and gain confidence in your language abilities. Dive into the universe of Russian sentences and elevate your learning experience today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Астрономы изучают звезды и планеты.

    Astronomers study stars and planets.

  • Вопреки всем ожиданиям, космический корабль Аполлон благополучно вернулся на Землю.

    Against all expectations, the Apollo spacecraft made it safely back to Earth.

  • Вселенная близка к бесконечности.

    The universe is close to infinity.

  • Где спутники?

    Where are the satellites?

  • Земля обращается вокруг солнца.

    The Earth orbits around the sun.

  • Какие последствия могло бы иметь планетарное выравнивание?

    What effects would planetary alignment have?

  • Космонавты полетели на Луну на ракете.

    The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.

  • Меня похитили инопланетяне.

    I was abducted by aliens.

  • Мой дедушка считает, что высадка на Луну была обманом.

    My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax.

  • Мы видели летающую тарелку.

    We saw a flying saucer.

  • Мы исследуем каждую планету, вращающуюся вокруг солнца.

    We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.

  • На небе было бесчисленное количество звёзд.

    There were countless stars in the sky.

  • Наши расчёты показывают, что ракета сбилась с курса.

    Our calculations show that the rocket is off its course.

  • Некоторые звезды едва заметны невооруженным глазом.

    Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.

  • Нептун - это самая удаленная планета от Солнца.

    Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun.

  • Они запустили ракету.

    They launched a rocket.

  • Он эксперт по астрономии.

    He is an expert in astronomy.

  • Откуда берутся кометы?

    Where do comets come from?

  • Полеты на луну когда-то считались невозможными.

    Flights to the moon were once thought absurd.

  • Я могу разглядеть на ночном небе только два или три созвездия.

    I can pick out only two or three constellations in the night sky.

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