Russian Sentences About Time

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 essential sentences about "Time" in Russian! Whether you're aiming to expand your Russian vocabulary or seeking to master Russian sentences and phrases, our selection is perfect for intermediate Russian learners. Each sentence is accompanied by clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. Dive into our specially designed list and enhance your grasp of vital time-related expressions in Russian. Perfect for boosting your confidence in everyday conversations and advancing your language proficiency, this resource is a must-have for dedicated Russian language students.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Вечеринка закончилась в полночь.

    The party ended at midnight.

  • Во время изобилия, помни о временах голода.

    In times of abundance, remember the times of famine.

  • За последние пять лет население удвоилось.

    The population has doubled in the last five years.

  • Игра едва началась, когда они забили первый гол.

    The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.

  • Когда мне нужно идти на борт?

    When must I go on board?

  • Когда у тебя день рождения?

    When is your birthday?

  • Мы провели вечер размышляя о будущем.

    We spent the evening speculating about the future.

  • Небо на закате красное.

    The sky at dusk is red.

  • Она начала десять минут назад.

    She started ten minutes ago.

  • Она осталась на две недели.

    She stayed for two weeks.

  • Она охотно пришла бы, но она была в отпуске.

    She would willingly come, but she was on vacation.

  • Он бегал трусцой в течение периода в двадцать минут.

    He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.

  • Он практикуется играть на гитаре до поздней ночи.

    He practices playing the guitar far into the night.

  • Он прибудет во вторник утром.

    He will arrive on Tuesday morning.

  • Он скоро будет здесь.

    He'll be here presently.

  • Оставьте время, чтобы подумать.

    Take the time to reflect.

  • Сколько дней потребуется, чтобы отёк спал?

    How many days will it take until the swelling goes down?

  • Том почти никогда не опаздывает на встречи.

    Tom is hardly ever late for appointments.

  • Ужин подается в семь часов.

    Dinner is served at seven o'clock.

  • Я вернулся из Европы в сентябре.

    I got back from Europe in September.

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