Spanish Sentences About Environment

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Master your Spanish vocabulary on environmental topics with Clozemaster's collection of 20 expertly crafted Spanish sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. These targeted phrases are designed to enhance your understanding of the language and to help intermediate Spanish learners like you solidify their grasp of essential environmental terminology. Immerse yourself in each sentence, listen to the pronunciation, and practice speaking to improve your Spanish language skills efficiently. Whether you’re preparing for a conversation about conservation or just keen on expanding your Spanish lexicon, our engaging platform is the perfect tool to elevate your proficiency in environmental Spanish vocabulary.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cada especie es importante para el ecosistema.

    Every species is important to the ecosystem.

  • Debemos intentar proteger el medio ambiente.

    We must try to protect the environment.

  • El biólogo estudió las especies en peligro de extinción.

    The biologist studied the endangered species.

  • El cambio climático afecta a toda la humanidad.

    Climate change affects all of humankind.

  • El carbón y el gas natural son combustibles naturales.

    Coal and natural gas are natural fuels.

  • El deterioro del santuario se debe, en parte, a la lluvia ácida.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • El estanque se congeló.

    The pond froze over.

  • El presidente anuncia nuevas políticas climáticas.

    The president announces new climate policies.

  • El suelo aquí es fértil.

    The soil here is fertile.

  • La capa ozono protege nuestro planeta.

    The ozone layer protects our planet.

  • La familia se asimiló rápidamente a su nuevo entorno.

    The family assimilated quickly into their new environment.

  • Las corrientes del océano pueden ser peligrosas.

    Ocean currents can be dangerous.

  • La sequía causó una grave escasez de agua.

    The drought caused a severe water shortage.

  • Las tazas son desechables después de un uso.

    The cups are disposable after one use.

  • Los arrecifes de coral atraen una gran variedad de hermosa vida marina.

    Coral reefs attract a variety of beautiful marine life.

  • Los paneles solares generan electricidad.

    The solar panels are generating electricity.

  • Me gusta el aire fresco.

    I like fresh air.

  • Me pidieron que hiciera unos comentarios sobre el ahorro de energía.

    I was asked to make a few remarks on energy conservation.

  • Por favor, ponga su basura en los cubos de afuera.

    Please put your waste in the bins outside.

  • Prefiero las tazas de papel a las de plástico.

    I prefer paper cups to plastic ones.

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