Spanish Sentences About Food and Drink

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Welcome to your go-to resource for mastering intermediate Spanish! Our engaging list of 20 curated Spanish sentences about 'Food and Drink' is designed to expand your Spanish vocabulary effectively. Accompanied by clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, these Spanish phrases are perfect for learners looking to enhance their language skills in a practical context. Dive into our interactive collection and practice with real-life examples, whether you're at home or on the go. Get ready to savor the taste of success and confidently converse about gastronomy in Spanish with our expertly selected sentences!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Comamos esta deliciosa tarta.

    Let's eat this delicious pie.

  • Compartimos el coste de la comida.

    We shared the cost of the meal.

  • Compré un cartón de leche en el supermercado.

    I bought a carton of milk from the supermarket.

  • El corcho del champán saltó.

    The champagne cork popped out.

  • El Sr. Jones está degustando la sopa que hizo su mujer.

    Mr. Jones is tasting the soup his wife made.

  • En el mercado vendían naranjas frescas y jugosas.

    The market sold fresh, juicy oranges.

  • Esta sopa está exquisita.

    This soup is exquisite.

  • ¿Es una buena fuente de potasio?

    Is it a good source of potassium?

  • ¿Es usted vegetariano o vegano?

    Are you vegetarian or vegan?

  • Llévate servilletas contigo.

    Take some napkins with you.

  • Me gusta beber con pajita.

    I enjoy drinking my beverages with a straw.

  • Me gustan los vinos espumosos y afrutados.

    I like sparkling and fruity wines.

  • Puedes comer una galleta ahora.

    You may eat a cookie now.

  • ¿Qué te gustaría beber?

    What would you like to drink?

  • ¿Quieres algo de ensalada?

    Would you like some salad?

  • ¿Quieres una bebida?

    Would you like a drink?

  • Quisiera un vaso de tequila.

    I would like a glass of tequila.

  • ¿Te gustan las ostras?

    Do you like oysters?

  • Tengo un hambre terrible.

    I am terribly hungry.

  • Una pequeña porción de jamón, por favor, y una cerveza de barril.

    A small portion of ham, please, and a draught beer.

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