Serbian Sentences About Animals

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Immerse yourself in the world of Serbian vocabulary with Clozemaster's collection of 20 meticulously curated Serbian sentences about animals. Perfect for intermediate Serbian learners, this resource is designed to enhance your language skills through engaging text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Discover the beauty of Serbian phrases and expand your linguistic repertoire while enjoying a dynamic learning experience. Whether you're a language enthusiast or aiming to achieve fluency, our sentences will help you master the words and expressions you need to talk about animals confidently in any setting. Start learning now and bring your Serbian vocabulary to life with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Da li pingvini žive na Arktiku?

    Do penguins live in the Arctic?

  • Da li ste ikada muzli kravu?

    Have you ever milked a cow?

  • Da li ste videli bolesnog losa?

    Did you see a sick moose?

  • Dodo je već izumrla vrsta.

    The dodo is an already extinct species.

  • Grmljavina je uplašila psa.

    The thundering storm frightened the dog.

  • Jedan od bikova je srušio ogradu.

    One of the bulls pushed the fence down.

  • Kolibri je najmanja ptica na svetu.

    The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.

  • Košnica je bila puna meda.

    The beehive was full of honey.

  • Mačka mjauče.

    The cat meows.

  • Marija je imala malo jagnje koje je imalo vunu belu poput snega.

    Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.

  • Mnogi vlasnici pasa hrane svoje pse samo jednom dnevno.

    Many dog owners only feed their dogs once a day.

  • Nisam pingvin.

    I am not a penguin.

  • Pas je spavao na otiraču.

    The dog was sleeping on the mat.

  • Pas je ujeda Toma.

    The dog is biting Tom.

  • Ptice su letele na jug u potrazi za toplinom.

    The birds flew south in search of warmth.

  • Ptice veselo pevaju.

    The birds are singing cheerfully.

  • Tigrovi su se šetali po zoološkom vrtu.

    The tigers prowled around the zoo.

  • Tom i Meri su spasili siroto mače.

    Tom and Mary rescued an orphaned kitten.

  • Vrana je odletela.

    The crow flew away.

  • Zlatna ribica je živa.

    The goldfish is alive.

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