Serbian Sentences About At the Hotel

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Master your Serbian vocabulary for your next hotel stay with Clozemaster! Dive into our curated list of 20 practical Serbian sentences specifically themed around "At the Hotel". Each entry is designed for intermediate Serbian learners and is equipped with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation. With English translations to aid comprehension, these Serbian phrases are a valuable resource to enhance your communication skills in real-world scenarios. Practice with Clozemaster and confidently navigate any hotel-related conversation in Serbian. Start learning today and make your next visit to Serbia a breeze!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Da li hotel ima frizera?

    Is there a hairdresser in the hotel?

  • Da li soba ima klima uređaj?

    Does the room have air conditioning?

  • Da li su obroci uključeni?

    Are meals included?

  • Imate li listu hotela?

    Do you have a list of hotels?

  • Ja sam rezervirao hotelsku sobu.

    I've booked a hotel room.

  • Molimo vas da vaša soba bude uredna.

    Please keep your room tidy.

  • Molim te stavi bokal vode u moju sobu.

    Please put a pitcher of water in my room.

  • Moram da završim raspakivanje.

    I should finish unpacking.

  • Možemo mu udovoljiti za noć.

    We can accommodate him for the night.

  • Nađimo se u baru hotela.

    Meet me at the hotel bar.

  • Odseo sam u gostionici jer je bila kasna noć i bio sam umoran.

    I stayed at an inn since it was late at night and I was tired.

  • Ona spava u luksuznoj kabini.

    She sleeps in a luxurious stateroom.

  • Opustila se u udobnom salonu.

    She relaxed in the comfortable lounge.

  • Ploča sa natpisom prazno mesto treperila je u ponoć.

    The vacancy sign blinked at midnight.

  • Razgovarajte sa recepcionerom za pomoć.

    Speak to the receptionist for help.

  • Svi stanovi su zauzeti.

    All the apartments are occupied.

  • Toma je čekala limuzina ispred hotela.

    There was a limousine waiting for Tom outside the hotel.

  • Tom čeka u predvorju.

    Tom is waiting in the lobby.

  • Usluge u hotelu su prvoklasne.

    The services at the hotel are first-rate.

  • Želim da rezervišem sobu.

    I want to reserve a room.

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