Serbian Sentences About Driving

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Welcome to our dedicated Serbian language resource designed to gear up your Serbian vocabulary with practical sentences about driving! Our page presents 20 interactive Serbian sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, to help intermediate Serbian learners master the road-related lingo. Dive into our engaging collection of Serbian phrases, aimed at enhancing your language skills in an automotive context. Whether you're a language enthusiast or prepping for a road trip in Serbia, our authentic Serbian vocabulary tool provides an immersive experience to steer your proficiency to the next level. Listen, learn, and repeat – drive your way to fluency with us!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Auto je spreman.

    The car is ready.

  • Automobilu su potrebne nove gume.

    The car needs new tires.

  • Beli auto me je pratio poslednje dve milje.

    A white car has been tailing me for the last two miles.

  • Branik je bio jako udubljen.

    The fender was badly dented.

  • Imaš li vozačku dozvolu?

    Do you have a driver's license?

  • Moja majka nikada ne vozi iz straha od prouzrokovanja nesreće.

    My mother never drives for fear of causing an accident.

  • Nalazak parkinga u centru grada je tako frustrirajuć.

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

  • Njegov auto je bio ozbiljno oštećeno.

    His car was seriously damaged.

  • Okrenuo sam svoj volan udesno.

    I turned my steering wheel to the right.

  • On je iskočio iz prtljažnika.

    He popped the trunk.

  • Ostavio je motor da radi.

    He left the motor running.

  • Ovaj automobil ide mnogo brže od onog.

    This car goes much faster than that.

  • Pokušao je da izbegne saobraćaj.

    He tried to avoid the traffic.

  • Pritisnuo je kočioni pedal.

    He pressed the brake pedal.

  • Putevi su neravni.

    The roads are bumpy.

  • Svakodnevno vozi na posao.

    He drives to work daily.

  • Tom je parkirao kombi.

    Tom is parking the van.

  • Tom je stao na kočnicu.

    Tom stepped on the brake.

  • Trebaš držati svoje vetrobransko staklo čistim.

    You should keep your windshield clean.

  • Vozim dostavni kamion.

    I drive a delivery truck.

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