Serbian Sentences About Literature

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Welcome to Clozemaster, where mastering Serbian vocabulary becomes an engaging journey through literature! Our curated list of 20 Serbian sentences, each with text-to-speech audio and English translations, will immerse you in the richness of literary context. Designed for intermediate Serbian learners, these sentences are not only practical but also culturally enlightening. By exploring our phrases, you'll quickly improve your comprehension and grasp of Serbian phrases, sharpening your language skills in a meaningful way. Whether you're a bibliophile or just eager to enhance your linguistic repertoire, this literature-themed collection is the perfect tool for honing your intermediate Serbian abilities.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bilo je to kao bajka.

    It was like a fairytale.

  • Bludni sin se vratio kući.

    The prodigal son returned home.

  • Da li je ta priča činjenična ili fiktivna?

    Is that story fact or fiction?

  • Junak je umro na kraju knjige.

    The hero died at the end of the book.

  • Knjiga ima mnogo zanimljivih likova.

    The book has many interesting characters.

  • Knjiga je ovde.

    The book is here.

  • Knjige su moja alternativna stvarnost.

    Books are my alternate reality.

  • Mala deca često vole knjige o zmajevima i drugim čudovištima.

    Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters.

  • Njena biografija je bila inspirativna i nezaboravna.

    Her biography was inspiring and memorable.

  • Očekujemo objavljivanje njegove knjige.

    We are expecting the publication of his book.

  • Ova knjiga je veoma debela.

    This book is very thick.

  • Ovo je njegova omiljena knjiga.

    This is his favorite book.

  • Pišem roman.

    I am writing a novel.

  • Postavka romana je srednjevekovna Engleska.

    The setting of the novel is medieval England.

  • Priča ima neverovatne okrete.

    The story has surprising twists.

  • Šta mislite o tim japanskim piscima?

    What do you think of those Japanese writers?

  • Svaka basna završava poukom.

    Every fable ends up with a moral.

  • Svi sjajni pisci imaju svoje lične stilove.

    All great writers have their own personal styles.

  • U priči, vile žive u šumi.

    In the story, elves live in the forest.

  • Znam kako se priča završava.

    I know how the story ends.

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