Serbian Sentences About Society

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Welcome to our comprehensive Clozemaster collection, featuring 20 curated Serbian sentences about society, designed to enhance your Serbian vocabulary proficiency. Ideal for intermediate Serbian learners, this resource provides invaluable exposure to commonly used Serbian phrases within a societal context. Each sentence comes with accurate English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio to ensure correct pronunciation and comprehension. Dive into our engaging platform to master essential Serbian vocabulary, practice your listening skills, and gain confidence in constructing meaningful Serbian sentences that reflect the nuances of society and everyday conversations.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Igram društvene igre samo da bih se družio.

    I play board games just to socialize.

  • Javnost traži više poslova i niže poreze.

    The public is clamoring for more jobs and lower taxes.

  • Kulturna društva su često domaćini događaja.

    Cultural societies often host events.

  • Ljudi se mogu obratiti zakonu ako žele da isprave nepravdu.

    People can turn to the law if they want to correct an injustice.

  • Malo je mesta na svetu koja vam pružaju takve slobode.

    There are few places in the world that give you such freedoms.

  • Mnogi sanjaju o savršenoj utopiji.

    Many dream of a perfect utopia.

  • Narativ je sadržao nekoliko komentara o stanju zemlje.

    The narrative provided some eye-opening social commentary on the state of the country.

  • Naše društvo mora zajedno raditi kako bi zaustavilo zagađenje.

    Our society needs to work together to stop pollution.

  • Nastavićemo naše napore na iskorenjivanju rasne diskriminacije.

    We shall continue our efforts to eradicate racial discrimination.

  • Ne bi trebali mešati se u unutrašnje poslove druge zemlje.

    They should not intervene in the internal affairs of another country.

  • Pokušao sam da se stopim sa gomilom.

    I tried to blend in.

  • Pomagao je siromašnima tokom svog života.

    He has helped the poor throughout his life.

  • Predrasude promovišu netoleranciju prema drugima.

    Prejudice promotes intolerance towards others.

  • Radim za opću dobrobit.

    I work for public welfare.

  • Rekao si da su skoro svi tvoji prijatelji bili Kanađani.

    You said almost all of your friends were Canadians.

  • Svi muškarci su jednaki.

    All men are equal.

  • To je neprocenjivo blago za čovečanstvo.

    This is a priceless treasure to mankind.

  • U toj zemlji, ljudi su obožavali novac kao boga.

    In that country, people worshipped money like a god.

  • Žene nisu objekti.

    Women are not objects.

  • Zločin se povećava.

    Crime is increasing.

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