Serbian Sentences About Stating Preferences

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Master your Serbian vocabulary and enhance your language skills on Clozemaster with our collection of 20 Serbian sentences tailored to expressing preferences. Designed for intermediate Serbian learners, this resource provides you with authentic Serbian phrases complete with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation. Accompanied by English translations, our sentences will not only help you state your likes and dislikes fluently but will also expand your understanding of Serbian expressions. Dive into the nuances of the Serbian language and confidently express your preferences with our carefully curated list. Whether it's for travel, conversation, or personal enrichment, you'll find these Serbian vocabulary essentials invaluable.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bio je to idealan dan za šetnju.

    It was an ideal day for walking.

  • Da li voliš kafu ili čaj?

    Do you like coffee or tea?

  • Dolazak rano je dobro.

    Arriving early is good.

  • Ja, lično, volim čokoladu.

    I, personally, love chocolates.

  • Ja volim bombone.

    I like candies.

  • Jedemo sirovu ribu.

    We eat raw fish.

  • Kafa ne pobuđuje moje interesovanje.

    Coffee does not arouse my interest.

  • Matematika je moj omiljeni predmet.

    Mathematics is my favorite subject.

  • Moji ukusi se razlikuju vrlo od tvojih.

    My tastes differ greatly from yours.

  • Muzičke preference se razlikuju od osobe do osobe.

    Music preferences vary from person to person.

  • Naravno, mnogi stariji građani su zadovoljni penzionisanjem.

    Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement.

  • Nije izbirljiva na jelu.

    She is not a picky eater.

  • Odlučio sam da prestanem da pušim.

    I decided to quit smoking.

  • Ona je ljubiteljka prirode.

    She is a lover of nature.

  • Ona voli pevača.

    She likes the singer.

  • Popio bih zeleni čaj od jasmina.

    I would drink some jasmine green tea.

  • Radije pijem čaj nego kafu.

    I prefer tea over coffee.

  • Skup auto je statusni simbol.

    An expensive car is a status symbol.

  • Uživa u tome što je vegetarijanac.

    He enjoys being a vegetarian.

  • Više volim mineralnu vodu.

    I prefer mineral water.

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