Swedish Sentences About At the Doctor

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Looking to enhance your Swedish vocabulary with practical, real-world examples? Our latest Clozemaster page offers 20 expertly curated Swedish sentences about "At the Doctor." Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, making it easier than ever to master essential Swedish phrases. Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, these sentences will not only boost your language skills but also prepare you for everyday situations. Whether you're aiming to improve your conversational abilities or seeking context-specific vocabulary, our engaging and hands-on approach will take your Swedish proficiency to the next level. Explore now and start speaking like a local!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Doktorn visade sig vara en kvacksalvare.

    The doctor turned out to be a quack.

  • Du måste ta det här hostmedlet.

    You must take this cough syrup.

  • Feber är ett vanligt symtom på influensa.

    Fever is a common symptom of flu.

  • Han deltar i medicinska konferenser.

    He attends medical conferences.

  • Jag behöver boka en tid hos tandläkaren.

    I need to make an appointment with the dentist.

  • Jag blev diagnostiserad med lunginflammation.

    I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

  • Jag fick ett btick från ett bi.

    I got a bee sting.

  • Jag har ont i tanden.

    My tooth hurts.

  • Kommer jag att få ett ärr?

    Will I have a scar?

  • Lägg dig på .undersökningsbordet.

    Lie down on the examination table.

  • Läkaren botade hans sjukdom.

    The doctor cured his illness.

  • Läkaren kommer att skriva ut dig imorgon.

    The doctor will discharge you tomorrow.

  • Läkaren kom omedelbart.

    The doctor came immediately.

  • Läkaren rekommenderade fysisk aktivitet.

    The doctor recommended physical activity.

  • Läkaren utförde operationen.

    The doctor performed the operation.

  • Min läkare har ett utmärkt beteende vid sängkanten.

    My doctor has an excellent bedside manner.

  • Tandläkaren borrar i tanden.

    The dentist is drilling into the tooth.

  • Tom behandlar en patient.

    Tom is treating a patient.

  • Tom var tvungen att få ett koleravaccin.

    Tom had to get a cholera shot.

  • Vad är symptomen?

    What are the symptoms?

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