Swedish Sentences About At the Office

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Looking to boost your Swedish vocabulary? Our Clozemaster page offers 20 essential sentences about "At the Office" in Swedish, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfectly designed for intermediate Swedish learners, these sentences will help you master common Swedish phrases and enhance your language skills in a professional setting. By engaging with real-world examples, you'll gain a deeper understanding of Swedish sentences, preparing you for practical conversations at work. Start today and elevate your Swedish vocabulary to the next level with Clozemaster. Explore now for effective learning and clear, contextual examples!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Är det där din penna?

    Is that your pencil?

  • Båda är mina kollegor.

    Both are my colleagues.

  • De arbetar tillsammans.

    They work together.

  • De flesta av våra anställda är unga.

    Most of our employees are young.

  • Det här är mitt kontor.

    This is my office.

  • Gillar du dina kollegor?

    Do you like your coworkers?

  • Han arbetade i flera timmar.

    He worked for several hours.

  • Hon talade om för sin chef vad hon tyckte.

    She told her superior what she thought.

  • Hon var befriad från närvaro vid mötet.

    She was excused from attendance at the meeting.

  • Hon var uttråkad på mötet.

    She was bored in the meeting.

  • Jag bad min chef om en lönehöjning.

    I asked my boss for a pay increase.

  • Jag ber om ursäkt för förseningen i att skicka dagordningen.

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

  • Jag jobbar på en redovisningsbyrå.

    I work in an accounting office.

  • Jag signerar mitt kontrakt.

    I am signing my contract.

  • Mitt kontor är beläget i centrum.

    My office is located downtown.

  • Skippa snacket och sätt igång med arbetet.

    Cut the chit-chat and get to work.

  • Under mötet frågade han om projektets framsteg.

    During the meeting, he inquired about the progress of the project.

  • Vårt företag bearbetar många formulär dagligen.

    Our company processes many forms daily.

  • Vi inför nya företagsrutiner.

    We are establishing new company procedures.

  • Vilken tid är det lunch?

    What time is lunch?

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