Swedish Sentences About Colors

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Welcome to Clozemaster's "Colors in Swedish" page, your go-to resource for enhancing your Swedish vocabulary through practical and engaging sentences. Here, we’ve curated 20 essential Swedish sentences about colors, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, these phrases will help you grasp the language’s nuances and improve your pronunciation. Whether you're aiming to expand your Swedish phrases or refine your intermediate Swedish skills, this collection is tailored for effective learning. Dive in and start mastering Swedish colors today! Explore now to elevate your Swedish sentences to the next level.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Åsnan är grå.

    The donkey is gray.

  • Den blåa bilen är antik.

    The blue car is antique.

  • De röda skorna krockar med den här gröna skjortan.

    The red shoes clash with this green shirt.

  • Dessa bananer är inte mogna.

    These bananas are not ripe.

  • Djävulen är oftast röd.

    The devil is usually red.

  • Dvärgen hade en glänsande röd hatt.

    The dwarf had a shiny red hat.

  • Flickan hade gula band i håret.

    The girl wore yellow ribbons in her hair.

  • Han äter en röd klubba.

    He's eating a red lollipop.

  • Han hade på sig en grå kostym idag.

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • Hans bok är röd.

    His book is red.

  • Hans strumpor är lila.

    His socks are purple.

  • Hennes kjol är gul med prickar.

    Her skirt is yellow with polka dots.

  • Himlen vid skymning är röd.

    The sky at dusk is red.

  • Hunden är svart.

    The dog is black.

  • Katten är vit.

    The cat is white.

  • Målningens ram är guldpläterad.

    The frame of the painting is gold.

  • Papper är vitt.

    Paper is white.

  • Rosorna är röda.

    The roses are red.

  • Tom valde färgen att måla våra kontor i.

    Tom chose the color to paint our offices.

  • Vi målade stängslen vita igår.

    We painted the fences white yesterday.

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