Swedish Sentences About Daily Routines

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Welcome to Clozemaster's carefully curated list of 20 sentences about "Daily Routines" in Swedish, perfect for boosting your Swedish vocabulary! Designed for intermediate learners, this resource features authentic Swedish sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Each phrase helps you grasp common Swedish expressions used in everyday life, providing practical context to enhance your language skills. Whether you're preparing for a trip, improving your fluency, or expanding your Swedish repertoire, these sentences are key to mastering intermediate Swedish. Explore our selection and take your Swedish learning to the next level today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • De avslutar mötet vid tolv.

    They conclude the meeting at noon.

  • Han tar vitaminer.

    He takes vitamins.

  • Han vaknar tidigt.

    He wakes up early.

  • Hon började klä av sig för att gå och lägga sig.

    She began to undress for bed.

  • Hon gör sönder något varje gång hon städar rummet.

    She breaks something every time she cleans the room.

  • I vardagen har vi många skyldigheter och ansvar.

    In everyday life, we have many obligations and responsibilities.

  • Jag stannade i sängen hela morgonen.

    I stayed in bed all morning.

  • Jason tillbringade sin morgon med att fiska.

    Jason spent his morning fishing.

  • Kämpen tränade hårt varje dag.

    The fighter trained hard every day.

  • Morgnar kan vara jobbiga utan kaffe.

    Mornings can be tough without coffee.

  • Tom gör alltid sitt skolarbete flitigt.

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • Tom hade en hektisk vecka.

    Tom had a hectic week.

  • Tom klev ur badkaret.

    Tom got out of the bathtub.

  • Tom satte ett lopphalsband på sin hund.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Tom tände elden.

    Tom lit the fire.

  • Tom tappade en kontaktlins.

    Tom lost a contact lens.

  • Tom visste att sallader var nyttiga, så han åt åtminstone en sallad om dagen.

    Tom knew that salads were healthy, so he ate at least one salad a day.

  • Varför torkar du ditt hår?

    Why are you drying your hair?

  • Vi återvann tomma flaskor idag.

    We recycled empty bottles today.

  • Vi tillbringade dagen utomhus.

    We spent the day outdoors.

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