Swedish Sentences About Disagreeing
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Looking to expand your Swedish vocabulary? Our Clozemaster page features 20 expertly curated sentences about "Disagreeing" in Swedish, making it perfect for intermediate Swedish learners. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure accurate pronunciation and comprehension. These real-life Swedish sentences and phrases will help you navigate everyday conversations and express yourself more effectively. Whether you're studying for an exam or aiming to boost your Swedish language skills, this resource is the ultimate tool for mastering intermediate Swedish vocabulary. Dive in and start enhancing your linguistic proficiency today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
De diskuterade om filmens slut.
They argued about the movie's ending.
Dina åsikter är helt motsatta till mina.
Your views are quite opposite to mine.
Du kan inte förneka sanningen.
You cannot deny the truth.
Du tvivlar alltid på mitt ord.
You are always doubting my word.
Du vägrade betala.
You refused to pay.
Han är emot den nya planen.
He is opposed to the new plan.
Han håller inte med sina släktingar.
He disagrees with his relatives.
Han invände mot vår plan.
He objected to our plan.
Han stod upp mot religiös förföljelse.
He stood against religious persecution.
Hon vägrar att äta sina grönsaker.
She is refusing to eat her vegetables.
I alla frågor om åsikter är våra motståndare galna.
In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.
I allmänhet ogillar unga människor formalitet.
In general, young people dislike formality.
Jag förbjuder dig att gå härifrån.
I forbid you to leave.
Jag håller inte med honom.
I don't agree with him.
Jag kan inte följa din logik.
I cannot follow your logic.
Jag var besviken på dig.
I was disappointed with you.
Min åsikt är ovidkommande.
My opinion is irrelevant.
Min mormor är väldigt envis och ändrar aldrig sin åsikt.
My grandmother is very stubborn and never changes her mind.
Tom vägrar att arbeta.
Tom refuses to work.
Vem motsatte sig?
Who disagreed?
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