Swedish Sentences About Environment

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Welcome to our Clozemaster page dedicated to enhancing your Swedish vocabulary with a focus on the environment. Here, you'll find 20 carefully curated Swedish sentences and phrases designed for intermediate Swedish learners. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to boost your listening and comprehension skills. Whether you're looking to expand your Swedish vocabulary on environmental topics or seeking practical Swedish phrases for everyday use, our collection is perfect for you. Dive in and take your intermediate Swedish to the next level with these engaging, real-world examples!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dammen frös över.

    The pond froze over.

  • De bor i djungeln.

    They live in the jungle.

  • Familjen anpassade sig snabbt till sin nya miljö.

    The family assimilated quickly into their new environment.

  • Förfallet av helgedomen beror delvis på surt regn.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • Glaciärer runt om i världen smälter.

    Glaciers around the world are melting.

  • Havets strömmar kan vara farliga.

    Ocean currents can be dangerous.

  • Jag föredrar koppar av papper framför plastkoppar.

    I prefer paper cups to plastic ones.

  • Jag gillar frisk luft.

    I like fresh air.

  • Klimatförändringarna påverkar hela mänskligheten.

    Climate change affects all of humankind.

  • Kopparna är engångs och ska slängas efter en användning.

    The cups are disposable after one use.

  • Korallrev attraherar en mångfald av vackert marint liv.

    Coral reefs attract a variety of beautiful marine life.

  • Man bad mig att framföra några kommentarer om energibesparing.

    I was asked to make a few remarks on energy conservation.

  • Marken här är fruktbar.

    The soil here is fertile.

  • Ozonskiktet skyddar vår planet.

    The ozone layer protects our planet.

  • Presidenten meddelar nya klimatpolitiska åtgärder.

    The president announces new climate policies.

  • Solpanelerna genererar elektricitet.

    The solar panels are generating electricity.

  • Torkan orsakade en allvarlig vattenbrist.

    The drought caused a severe water shortage.

  • Var vänlig och lägg ditt avfall i soptunnorna utanför.

    Please put your waste in the bins outside.

  • Vi blir påverkade av vår miljö.

    We are influenced by our environment.

  • Vi borde utnyttja våra naturresurser.

    We had better utilize our natural resources.

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