Swedish Sentences About Fitness
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Boost your Swedish vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about fitness. Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, this resource offers not only Swedish phrases but also text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Whether you're looking to expand your knowledge of Swedish sentences or practice speaking, our fitness-themed sentences will keep you motivated and engaged. Explore practical vocabulary that you can use in everyday conversation and take your Swedish to the next level with Clozemaster. Improve your language skills effectively while staying fit—start learning today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Deras muskler är ömma.
Their muscles are sore.
De tävlade i maratonloppet.
They competed in the marathon.
Det här övningen är enklare än jag trodde.
This exercise is simpler than I thought.
Efter den långa vandringen började mina ben värka av trötthet.
After the long hike, my legs began to ache with fatigue.
Han är en skicklig yogi.
He is a skilled yogi.
Han kan springa tusen meter på fyra minuter.
He can run a thousand meters in four minutes.
Han springer inomhus.
He is running indoors.
Han springer väldigt snabbt.
He runs very fast.
Han tränar för maratonloppet.
He is training for the marathon.
Han tränar på en daglig basis .
He exercises on a daily basis.
Hennes mamma gör aerobics en gång i veckan.
Her mother does aerobics once a week.
Hon kan åka skridsko.
She can skate.
Hon kunde knappt gå efter att ha sprungit.
She could barely walk after running.
Hon springer ofta i parken.
She often runs in the park.
Jag utövar yoga.
I do yoga.
Kämpen tränade hårt varje dag.
The fighter trained hard every day.
Tom kan lyfta tunga vikter.
Tom can lift heavy weights.
Träning förbättrar hälsan.
Exercise improves health.
Träningsrutinen är extremt krävande.
The workout routine is extremely rigorous.
Vissa löpare dricker vatten medan de springer.
Some runners drink water as they are running.
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