Swedish Sentences About Giving / Receiving Gifts

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Looking to enhance your Swedish vocabulary with practical examples? Discover our collection of 20 sentences about "Giving / Receiving Gifts" in Swedish on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate learners, these handpicked Swedish sentences and phrases come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to boost your language skills effectively. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Sweden or aiming to master daily conversations, our curated sentences provide the ideal practice. Dive into context-rich examples and elevate your Swedish proficiency with useful, everyday scenarios. Start learning now and effortlessly improve your intermediate Swedish with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Denna organisation förlitar sig helt på frivilliga donationer.

    This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.

  • Gåvan var vackert inslagen.

    The gift was beautifully wrapped.

  • Han gav henne ett diamantarmband.

    He gave her a diamond bracelet.

  • Han köpte ett schweiziskt armbandsur till sin far.

    He bought a Swiss watch for his father.

  • Han skänkte en stor summa pengar till institutet.

    He bestowed a large amount of money on the institute.

  • Han tackade mig för presenten.

    He thanked me for the gift.

  • Här är en present till dig som ett tecken på vår uppskattning.

    Here is a present for you as a token of our appreciation.

  • Hon gav honom en bit godis.

    She gave him a piece of candy.

  • Hon gav honom en speciell present.

    She gave him a special gift.

  • Hon tycker om att slå in presenter med fint papper och band.

    She likes to wrap presents with pretty paper and ribbons.

  • Jag gav dem mina gamla kläder.

    I gave them my old clothes.

  • Jag gav min pappa en tamburin i present.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • Jag har några presenter.

    I have some gifts.

  • Jag köpte den åt dig.

    I bought it for you.

  • Lådan hade inte många presenter.

    The box did not have many presents.

  • Tack för presenten.

    Thank you for the gift.

  • Tom skickade en present till mig.

    Tom sent me a present.

  • Varför köpte du blommor?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • Vi byter Secret Santa-klappar idag.

    We're swapping Secret Santa gifts today.

  • Vi samlade ihop pengar för att köpa en födelsedagspresent till vår lärare.

    We all chipped in to buy our teacher a birthday present.

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