Swedish Sentences About Household

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential Swedish sentences about "Household," designed to boost your Swedish vocabulary and enhance your language learning journey. Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, this collection features practical phrases you can use in everyday conversations. Each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the context. Immerse yourself in authentic Swedish phrases and accelerate your language proficiency with our expertly selected content. Start mastering your intermediate Swedish today with these valuable household-related sentences, and watch your vocabulary grow effortlessly.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Den där duken behöver tvättas omgående.

    That tablecloth urgently needs washing.

  • Hon gav mig en ren tallrik.

    She gave me a clean plate.

  • Hur många skålar har vi?

    How many bowls do we have?

  • Huvudventilen är avstängd.

    The main valve is turned off.

  • Jag köpte ett set bordsdukar av linne.

    I bought a set of table linen.

  • Jag la den i byrålådan.

    I put it in the drawer.

  • Jag vill ha tio tallrikar.

    I want ten plates.

  • Kan du fixa vårt handfat?

    Can you fix our sink?

  • Kan du städa toaletten, tack?

    Could you clean the toilet, please?

  • Klockan är på väggen.

    The clock is on the wall.

  • Öppna skåpet med den här nyckeln.

    Unlock the cabinet with this key.

  • Plattan som föll från taket gick sönder i bitar.

    The tile which fell from the roof broke into pieces.

  • Rörmokaren fixade vårt läckande handfat.

    The plumber fixed our leaking sink.

  • Rummet var översållat med pappersbitar.

    The room was littered with scraps of paper.

  • Snälla, stäng dörren.

    Please close the door.

  • Tom lagar kylskåpet.

    Tom is fixing the refrigerator.

  • Tvätta vita kläder separat från färgade kläder.

    Wash whites separately to colored clothes.

  • Vattenkokaren kokar.

    The kettle is boiling.

  • Vi behöver fler skedar till middagen.

    We need more spoons for dinner.

  • Vi bor på sjätte våningen.

    We live on the sixth floor.

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