Swedish Sentences About Jobs

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Unlock your potential with Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 sentences about "Jobs" in Swedish. Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, these carefully selected phrases include text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your Swedish vocabulary. Whether you're preparing for a trip, a job interview, or simply aiming to boost your language skills, these sentences will provide practical context and improved comprehension. Explore how Clozemaster makes learning Swedish engaging and efficient. Start mastering everyday Swedish sentences and become more fluent in no time. Visit now to supercharge your Swedish learning journey with targeted vocabulary on work and employment!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Att styra ett land är inget lätt jobb.

    To govern a country is not an easy job.

  • Finns det någon möjlighet att han kommer avgå?

    Is there any possibility of his resigning?

  • Han bestämde sig för att bli en författare.

    He decided to become an author.

  • Han skriver manus för TV-program.

    He writes scripts for TV shows.

  • Hon arbetar för en reklambyrå.

    She works for an advertising agency.

  • Hon vill bli en designer.

    She wants to be a designer.

  • Hon vill tjäna mer pengar.

    She wants to earn more money.

  • Jag behöver en tolk.

    I need an interpreter.

  • Mark är en framgångsrik entreprenör.

    Mark is a successful entrepreneur.

  • Mekanikern monterade motorn.

    The mechanic assembled the engine.

  • Min bror är en långdistans lastbilschaufför.

    My brother is a long-haul trucker.

  • Programmeraren åtgärdar mjukvarubuggar dagligen.

    The programmer fixes software bugs daily.

  • Skådespelerskan gjorde sin debut när hon var åtta.

    The actress made her debut when she was eight.

  • Tom ansökte om jobbet.

    Tom applied for the job.

  • Tom är en arkitekt.

    Tom is an architect.

  • Tom är olämplig för det jobbet.

    Tom is unfit for that job.

  • Tom designar sitt första hus.

    Tom is designing his first building.

  • Tom söker ett jobb.

    Tom is seeking a job.

  • Tom vägrar att arbeta.

    Tom refuses to work.

  • Vi behöver låta en biolog utforska detta.

    We need to have this researched by a biologist.

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