Swedish Sentences About Movies

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Looking to elevate your Swedish vocabulary? Our curated collection of 20 Swedish sentences about "Movies" is perfect for intermediate learners aiming to master everyday phrases. Each sentence is paired with clear English translations and text-to-speech audio to enhance your listening skills and pronunciation. Dive into a variety of contexts, from discussing favorite genres to planning a movie night, and make learning engaging and effective. Perfect for those committed to expanding their Swedish vocabulary through real-life contexts, our sentences offer an immersive approach to language acquisition. Start mastering Swedish phrases and ease your way to fluency today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Den här filmen är mycket kontroversiell.

    This movie is highly controversial.

  • Den här filmen är mycket längre än den förra.

    This movie is much longer than the last one.

  • Den här filmen är sevärd.

    This film is worth seeing.

  • Denna film lämnar en djup reflektion för alla tittare.

    This movie leaves a profound reflection for all viewers.

  • De ska gå på bio.

    They are going to the movies.

  • Filmen är klassificerad PG-13.

    The film is rated PG-13.

  • Filmen blev dubbad till italienska.

    The film was dubbed into Italian.

  • Filmen började kl 19.00.

    The movie began at 7 pm.

  • Filmen skildrade resan för en slav som kämpade för frihet mot alla odds.

    The film depicted the journey of a slave who fought for freedom against all odds.

  • Filmens slut fick henne att känna sig ledsen.

    The movie's ending made her feel sad.

  • Han älskar att titta på dramaserier.

    He loves watching drama series.

  • Hon tyckte att filmen var för läskig.

    She found the movie too scary.

  • Jag fick panik under skräckfilmen.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Jag kan knappt vänta på uppföljaren till filmen.

    I can't wait for the movie sequel.

  • Jag såg en gammal film med Charlie Chaplin igår.

    I saw an old film featuring Charlie Chaplin yesterday.

  • Jag ska se en film ikväll.

    I am seeing a movie tonight.

  • När börjar filmen?

    When does the movie start?

  • Odöda varelser förekommer i skräckfilmer.

    Undead creatures appear in horror movies.

  • Vad var din förväntan på filmen?

    What was your expectation of the film?

  • Vi tittade på en DVD i går kväll.

    We watched a DVD last night.

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