Swedish Sentences About Numbers

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Welcome to our Clozemaster page dedicated to enhancing your Swedish vocabulary through practical, real-life examples. Here, we present 20 carefully selected sentences about "Numbers" in Swedish, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations for your convenience. Perfect for those at an intermediate Swedish level, these sentences help you gain a deeper understanding and better retention of commonly used Swedish phrases. Whether you're expanding your vocabulary or fine-tuning your skills, our curated sentences offer a comprehensive and engaging way to learn Swedish. Dive in now and elevate your Swedish proficiency through context-rich practice.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Alla goda ting är tre.

    All good things come in threes.

  • Det är tretton personer i rummet.

    There are thirteen people in the room.

  • Det finns miljarder stjärnor på himlen.

    There are billions of stars in the sky.

  • Det finns tre tusen fat med vin på skeppet.

    There are three thousand barrels of wine on the ship.

  • Fyrtioåtta sjömän är ombord.

    Forty-eight sailors are on board.

  • Han har fyra mobiltelefoner.

    He has four mobile phones.

  • Han har tolv pennor.

    He has twelve pencils.

  • Han var den tionde personen att anlända.

    He was the tenth person to arrive.

  • Hur många dagar är det på ett skottår?

    How many days are there in a leap year?

  • Hur många mänskliga varelser lever på jorden?

    How many human beings live on Earth?

  • Hur många siffror har det talet?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Hur många tentakler har en bläckfisk?

    How many tentacles does an octopus have?

  • Jag hänger upp två klockor i köket.

    I hang two clocks in the kitchen.

  • Jag såg fem män.

    I saw five men.

  • Jag vill ha tio tallrikar.

    I want ten plates.

  • Räkna till etthundra.

    Count to one hundred.

  • Rummet har två fönster.

    The room has two windows.

  • Sextio ombud valdes.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Tre är min favoritsiffra.

    Three is my favorite number.

  • Vi är elva totalt.

    We are eleven in all.

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