Swedish Sentences About Travel

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Welcome to our curated list of 20 essential Swedish sentences about "Travel" designed to enhance your Swedish vocabulary and improve your fluency. Whether you’re an intermediate Swedish learner or just starting out, these engaging sentences are paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations to make your learning experience seamless. Perfect for mastering common Swedish phrases, this resource is ideal for travelers or anyone looking to expand their language skills. Don't miss the chance to boost your Swedish fluency with these practical, real-life examples. Dive into the world of Swedish language and travel with confidence!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Astronauterna åkte upp till månen i en raket.

    The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.

  • De gör frekventa resor till Europa.

    They make frequent trips to Europe.

  • Det fanns en omväg på vägen.

    There was a detour on the road.

  • Han återvände aldrig från den där expeditionen.

    He never returned from that expedition.

  • Har ni några turer för sevärdheter i den här staden?

    Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town?

  • Jag älskar att åka tåg genom landet.

    I love riding trains across the country.

  • Jag älskar att utforska olika städer.

    I love exploring different cities.

  • Jag träffade Tom i Australien.

    I met Tom in Australia.

  • Jag vill åka till månen.

    I want to go to the moon.

  • Jag vill besöka Paris någon gång.

    I wish to visit Paris someday.

  • Kan hon uthärda en lång resa?

    Can she endure a long trip?

  • Mina planer för semestern är spännande.

    My plans for vacation are exciting.

  • När är nästa avgång?

    When is the next departure?

  • Om vi åker nu kan vi vara tillbaka i Tucson innan skymning.

    If we leave now, we could be back in Tucson before nightfall.

  • Såvitt jag vet har han aldrig varit utomlands.

    As far as I know, he has never been overseas.

  • Sevärdheterna i Rom är andlöst vackra.

    The sights in Rome are breathtaking.

  • Skeppet kommer att vara redo att segla om vädret tillåter.

    The ship will be ready to sail if the weather permits.

  • Tack vare stormen kunde skeppet inte lämna hamnen.

    Owing to the storm, the ship could not leave port.

  • Trafiken blockerades av ett jordskred.

    Traffic was blocked by a landslide.

  • Vi ska stanna där i tre nätter.

    We will stay there for three nights.

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