Turkish Sentences About Art

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Discover an engaging way to enhance your Turkish vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Art" in Turkish. Perfect for intermediate Turkish learners, this collection features sentences that come with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're passionate about art or simply looking to expand your Turkish phrases, this page is tailored to improve your language skills effectively. Dive into these practical Turkish sentences and elevate your proficiency to the next level. Start mastering intermediate Turkish today with Clozemaster's unique and interactive approach to language learning.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Azizler her zaman başlarının üzerinde bir hale ile resmedilir.

    Saints are always depicted with a halo over their heads.

  • Bir tür teselli olarak şiir yazmaya yöneldi.

    She turned to her writing of poetry as a kind of consolation.

  • Bu bahçe, doğa ve mimari arasında ahenkli bir denge yaratacak şekilde tasarlandı.

    The garden was designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.

  • Bu şiir isimsiz bir şair tarafından yazılmış.

    This poem was written by a nameless poet.

  • Bu sohbet bir başyapıt.

    This conversation is a masterpiece.

  • Bütün aktörler yönetmenlik yapmak istediğini söylüyor.

    Directing is what all actors say they want to do.

  • Çizerin çok acayip bir üslubu var.

    The illustrator's style is quite whimsical.

  • Duvar grafitilerle kaplı.

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • Konserde performans sergileyecek.

    She will perform at the concert.

  • Müzede büyüleyici bir sanat sergisi vardı.

    The museum had a stunning display of art.

  • Odasının duvarları posterlerle kaplıydı.

    The walls of her room were covered in posters.

  • O eksantrik bir sanatçı.

    He is an eccentric artist.

  • O tanıdığım en yetenekli sanatçı.

    She's the most talented artist I know.

  • Performansını herkes alkışlıyordu.

    Everyone was applauding his performance.

  • Piyes, gerçek olaylara dayanıyor.

    The play is based on true events.

  • Resim yapmayı seviyor ama çizmekten nefret ediyor.

    She loves painting but hates drawing.

  • Resme bön bön bakıyordu.

    He was gawking at the painting.

  • Sanatçı çarpıcı heykeller yaratıyor.

    The artist creates stunning sculptures.

  • Sanatçıyı hep birlikte alkışladık.

    We gave the performer a clap.

  • Tom sergileri gördü.

    Tom saw the exhibits.

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