Turkish Sentences About Compliments

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Discover the ideal resource for expanding your Turkish vocabulary with our specially curated list of 20 Turkish sentences about compliments on Clozemaster. Designed for intermediate Turkish learners, each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations to enhance your comprehension and pronunciation skills. Perfect for anyone looking to master essential Turkish phrases, our collection will help you naturally incorporate compliments into your everyday conversations. Start improving your Turkish vocabulary today and boost your language proficiency with our engaging and educational material tailored just for you.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Anlayışın için çok teşekkürler.

    Your understanding is much appreciated.

  • Benim büyük kardeşim çok akıllıdır.

    My elder brother is very wise.

  • Bu elbise onun üzerinde çok şık duruyor.

    That dress is very flattering on her.

  • Bu, konuklarımın yediği en iyi çikolatalı mus taatlısı.

    This is the best chocolate mousse that my guests have ever eaten.

  • Bu köpek yavrusu çok şirin.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Çok güzel yazıyor.

    He writes beautifully.

  • Cookie tüm köpekler arasından en sevimlisi.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Cümlelerin kış mevsiminde yemyeşil bir çayır gibiydi.

    Your sentences were like a green meadow in winter.

  • Duyduğuma göre işlerin iyi gidiyormuş.

    Your business is flourishing, I hear.

  • Elbise nefis kaliteliydi.

    The dress was of excellent quality.

  • Evin harika.

    Your house is fantastic.

  • Gösteriyi yapanlar yetenekli.

    The creators of the show are talented.

  • Güzelliği kıyaslanamaz bile.

    Her beauty is incomparable.

  • İyi davranışlar her zaman takdir edilir.

    Good manners are always appreciated.

  • O çok fotojenik biri ve fotoğraflarda harika görünüyor.

    He is quite photogenic and looks great in photos.

  • O çok zarif bir komşu.

    She is a most gracious neighbor.

  • Onun güzelliği gerçekten büyüleyici.

    Her beauty is genuinely captivating.

  • Sen iyi bir insansın.

    You are a nice person.

  • Son eseri tam bir başyapıt.

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • Tom iyi huylu bir beyefendi.

    Tom is a well-mannered gentleman.

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