Turkish Sentences About Criticizing

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated page featuring 20 essential sentences about "Criticizing" in Turkish. Perfect for intermediate learners aiming to expand their Turkish vocabulary, our carefully selected Turkish sentences come with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. This resource is designed to enhance your understanding of critical phrases and expressions, facilitating a deeper grasp of conversational Turkish. Whether you're looking to master Turkish phrases or refine your language skills further, these sentences will provide the practice you need. Dive into this linguistic journey and elevate your Turkish proficiency today with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bazı gazeteler, haberleri çarpıtmış.

    Some newspapers distorted the news.

  • Bazı yönetim kurulu üyeleri onun şirketi yönetme yeteneğini sorguladı.

    Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.

  • Beni yalancılıkla mı suçluyorsun?

    Are you accusing me of being a liar?

  • Bir embesil gibi görünüyorsun.

    You look like an imbecile.

  • Bu gerçeği inkar etti.

    He denied that fact.

  • Bugün berbat görünüyorsun.

    You look awful today.

  • Bu tür yağcılık seni hiçbir yere getirmez.

    That sort of flattery will get you nowhere.

  • Büyük bir dolandırıcılıkta yer aldı.

    He took part in a big scam.

  • Davranışı utanç vericiydi.

    His behavior was embarrassing.

  • Davranışları tamamen uygunsuzdu.

    Their behavior was utterly improper.

  • Esneklik yoksunluğu ilerlemenin önünde bir engeldir.

    Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to progress.

  • Gereksiz şeylere para harcamayı bırak.

    Stop spending money on unnecessary things.

  • İnsanlar genellikle uyarıları görmezden gelir.

    People often ignore warnings.

  • Küfürleri, dinleyicileri rahatsız etti.

    His swearing offended the listeners.

  • Sen bir moronsun.

    You are a moron.

  • Sigara kokuyorsun.

    You stink of cigarettes.

  • Sözleri çok ofansif.

    His remarks were very offensive.

  • Ted'in becerileri İngilizce öğretmek için yetersiz.

    Ted is incompetent to teach English.

  • Tom işini ihmal etti.

    Tom neglected his work.

  • Verdiği karar aşırı sersemceydi.

    His decision was extremely foolish.

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