Turkish Sentences About Describing People

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Boost your Turkish vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Describing People" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Turkish learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Whether you're looking to master Turkish phrases or enrich your conversational skills, our comprehensive collection of Turkish sentences is tailored to help you succeed. Dive into the intricacies of the Turkish language and improve your proficiency with practical examples designed for effective learning. Start exploring and elevate your Turkish vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Adam tam bir mankafa.

    The man is a complete blockhead.

  • Ben hızlı bir yüzücüyüm.

    I am a fast swimmer.

  • Beş yaşında bir çocuk için çok akıllı.

    He's very smart for a five-year-old.

  • Bugün alışılmadık derecede solgun görünüyordu.

    He looked unusually pale today.

  • Bu üç güzel kız benim yeğenlerim.

    These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine.

  • Çok güzel al yanakları var.

    She has beautiful rosy cheeks.

  • Ebeveynlerinden hangisine benziyorsun?

    Which of your parents do you resemble?

  • Gerçekten çok nazik bir insandı.

    He was indeed a very kind person.

  • Gözlerinde kendine özgü bir cazibe var.

    Your eyes have a certain magnetism.

  • Kendimi bir tüy kadar hafif hissettim.

    I felt light as a feather.

  • Mary ince ve uzun boylu.

    Mary is lean and tall.

  • Neredeyse mükemmel.

    He is almost perfect.

  • O çok düşünceli ve sabırlı.

    She is very thoughtful and patient.

  • Onun bir yalancı olduğundan şüphelendim.

    I suspected he was a liar.

  • Sadece yaklaşık yaşını bilebiliyoruz.

    We can only know her approximate age.

  • Sanılanın aksine o çok bilge.

    He is very wise, contrary to popular belief.

  • Tavırları çok hissizdi.

    He is very blunt in his manner.

  • Tavrı son derece karşıt.

    Her attitude was rather disagreeable.

  • Tom bir leopar kadar hızlıdır.

    Tom is as fast as a leopard.

  • Tom fevkalade yakışıklı.

    Tom is exceptionally handsome.

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