Turkish Sentences About Environment

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Looking to enhance your Turkish vocabulary with practical and engaging content? Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about the "Environment" in Turkish! This page is specifically designed to help you master intermediate Turkish through real-life phrases. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and detailed English translations, giving you a well-rounded learning experience. Perfect for learners who want to grasp essential Turkish sentences and phrases related to environmental topics, this resource ensures you improve your language skills effectively. Dive in now and accelerate your journey to fluency with Clozemaster's expertly crafted Turkish vocabulary practice!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aile, yeni çevrelerini çabucak özümsedi.

    The family assimilated quickly into their new environment.

  • Başkan yeni iklim politikalarını duyuruyor.

    The president announces new climate policies.

  • Benden enerji tasarrufu konusunda birkaç açıklama yapmam istendi.

    I was asked to make a few remarks on energy conservation.

  • Ben temiz havayı severim.

    I like fresh air.

  • Bu bardaklar tek kullanımlık.

    The cups are disposable after one use.

  • Çevreyi korumaya çalışmalıyız.

    We must try to protect the environment.

  • Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki buzullar eriyor.

    Glaciers around the world are melting.

  • Gölet dondu.

    The pond froze over.

  • Güneş panelleri elektrik üretiyor.

    The solar panels are generating electricity.

  • Her tür ekosistem için önemlidir.

    Every species is important to the ecosystem.

  • İklim değişikliği tüm insanoğlunu etkiliyor.

    Climate change affects all of humankind.

  • Kağıt bardakları plastik olanlara tercih ederim.

    I prefer paper cups to plastic ones.

  • Kömür ve doğal gaz doğal yakıtlardır.

    Coal and natural gas are natural fuels.

  • Kuraklık ciddi bir su kıtlığına neden oldu.

    The drought caused a severe water shortage.

  • Lütfen çöplerini dışarıdaki kutulara at.

    Please put your waste in the bins outside.

  • Mercanlar birbirinden güzel deniz canlılarını kendine çeker.

    Coral reefs attract a variety of beautiful marine life.

  • Okyanus akıntıları tehlikeli olabilmektedir.

    Ocean currents can be dangerous.

  • Ormanda yaşıyorlar.

    They live in the jungle.

  • Ozon tabakası gezegenimizi koruyor.

    The ozone layer protects our planet.

  • Tapınağın harabeye dönmesi, kısmen asit yağmurlarından kaynaklanıyor.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

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