Turkish Sentences About Giving / Receiving Gifts

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Enhance your Turkish vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Giving / Receiving Gifts" in Turkish. Perfect for intermediate Turkish learners, this page offers practical sentences paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations, helping you to master common Turkish phrases used in gift-giving contexts. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Turkey or simply aiming to boost your language skills, these sentences will make your learning experience both effective and enjoyable. Dive into these Turkish sentences today and take a significant step towards fluency with Clozemaster’s rich language resources.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Babama hediye olarak bir zilli tef aldım.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • Babasına bir İsveç saati satın aldı.

    He bought a Swiss watch for his father.

  • Bu benim için bir hediye mi?

    Is this a gift for me?

  • Bugün Gizli Noel Baba hediyelerini değiştiriyoruz.

    We're swapping Secret Santa gifts today.

  • Bu kuruluş tamamen gönüllü bağışlara güveniyor.

    This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.

  • Enstitüye büyük miktarda para bağışladı.

    He bestowed a large amount of money on the institute.

  • Eski kıyafetlerimi onlara verdim.

    I gave them my old clothes.

  • Hediye güzelce sarılmıştı.

    The gift was beautifully wrapped.

  • Hediye için bana teşekkür etti.

    He thanked me for the gift.

  • Hediyeleri güzel kağıtlar ve kurdelelerle sarmayı seviyor.

    She likes to wrap presents with pretty paper and ribbons.

  • İşte size minnettarlığımızın bir göstergesi olarak bir hediye.

    Here is a present for you as a token of our appreciation.

  • Kutuda çok fazla hediye yoktu.

    The box did not have many presents.

  • Neden çiçek aldın?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • Öğretmenimize doğum günü hediyesi almak için bağışta bulunduk.

    We all chipped in to buy our teacher a birthday present.

  • Ona bir şeker verdi.

    She gave him a piece of candy.

  • Ona elmas bir bilezik verdi.

    He gave her a diamond bracelet.

  • Ona özel bir hediye verdi.

    She gave him a special gift.

  • Senin için satın aldım.

    I bought it for you.

  • Teşekkür ederim hediye için.

    Thank you for the gift.

  • Tom bana bir hediye gönderdi.

    Tom sent me a present.

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