Turkish Sentences About Literature

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Boost your Turkish vocabulary with Clozemaster! This page features 20 expertly curated sentences about "Literature" in Turkish, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. These sentences are designed to help you grasp key Turkish phrases and concepts, making it perfect for intermediate Turkish learners. Whether you're studying for exams or aiming to fluently discuss literary topics, these sentences provide practical, everyday context. Enhance your language skills and gain confidence in your Turkish conversations. Dive into the world of Turkish literature and transform your learning experience today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Biraz edebi yeteneği var.

    He has some literary talent.

  • Bir masal gibiydi.

    It was like a fairytale.

  • Bir roman yazıyorum.

    I am writing a novel.

  • Bu hikâye gerçek mi kurgu mu?

    Is that story fact or fiction?

  • Bu kitap çok kalın.

    This book is very thick.

  • Bu onun en sevdiği kitap.

    This is his favorite book.

  • Bu şiirleri kim yazdı?

    Who wrote these poems?

  • Edebiyat diplomasına sahip.

    She holds a degree in literature.

  • Hikayede, elfler ormanda yaşıyor.

    In the story, elves live in the forest.

  • Hikâyede sürpriz çevrimler var.

    The story has surprising twists.

  • Hikâyenin nasıl bittiğini biliyorum.

    I know how the story ends.

  • Kitabının yayınlanmasını bekliyoruz.

    We are expecting the publication of his book.

  • Kitabın sonunda kahraman öldü.

    The hero died at the end of the book.

  • Kitaplar benim alternatif gerçekliğim.

    Books are my alternate reality.

  • Küçük çocuklar genellikle ejderhalar ve diğer canavarlar ile ilgili kitapları severler.

    Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters.

  • Onun biyografisi ilham verici ve unutulmazdı.

    Her biography was inspiring and memorable.

  • Şairler en iyi kelimeleri seçer.

    Poets select the best words.

  • Sherlock Holmes en küçük ayrıntılardan bile birçok şey çıkarabilir.

    Sherlock Holmes could deduce much out of the smallest details.

  • Sık sık Milton'dan alıntı yapıyor.

    He often quotes Milton.

  • Şu Japon yazarlar hakkında ne düşünüyorsun?

    What do you think of those Japanese writers?

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