Turkish Sentences About Transportation

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive guide to transportation-related Turkish sentences! This curated list features 20 essential sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, designed specifically to bolster your Turkish vocabulary. Perfect for intermediate learners aiming to master practical Turkish phrases, our examples cover crucial vocabulary to navigate daily transportation scenarios. Start improving your Turkish today by familiarizing yourself with these must-know sentences. Expand your Turkish phrases repertoire and achieve greater fluency with Clozemaster’s intuitive learning tools. Explore our page now and drive your intermediate Turkish skills to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aks kırılmış.

    The axle is broken.

  • Araçlar en az üç ayda bir arıza olup olmadığına dair muayene edilir.

    The vehicles are inspected for defects at least every three months.

  • Başka bir araba için yeterli yer var.

    There is ample room for another car.

  • Bu araba ferah ve pratik.

    This car is spacious and practical.

  • Bu havaalanına otobüsle kolayca ulaşılabilir.

    This airport is easily accessible by bus.

  • Buradan her gün birçok araba geçiyor.

    Many cars pass here every day.

  • Bu yol Hong Kong'a çıkıyor.

    This road leads to Hong Kong.

  • Çarkı sağa çevirdi.

    He turned the wheel to the right.

  • Haber istasyonları trafiği bildirmek için helikopter kullanır.

    News stations use helicopters to report on traffic.

  • Kamyon mallarla doluydu.

    The lorry was loaded with goods.

  • Karavanı arabasına bağladı.

    He hitched the caravan to his car.

  • Lastiğim patladı.

    I got a flat tire.

  • Nakliye kamyonu sürerim.

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • Okula bu rotadan gidiyorum.

    I take this route to school.

  • Okula otobüsle mi gidip geliyorsun?

    Do you commute to school by bus?

  • Onlarla otobüs terminalinde karşılaştık.

    We ran into them at the bus terminal.

  • Onu istasyonda gördüm.

    I saw her at the station.

  • Otobüs kuzey yönüne gidiyordu.

    The bus was heading north.

  • Senin bisikletin benimkinden çok daha yeni.

    Your bicycle is much newer than mine.

  • Tekerlekler çamur içindeydi.

    The wheels got all muddy.

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