Turkish Sentences About University

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Looking to enhance your Turkish vocabulary with a focus on "University"? Our page on Clozemaster offers 20 carefully selected Turkish sentences related to university life, perfect for intermediate Turkish learners. Each sentence is accompanied by clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, making it easy to improve your Turkish listening and comprehension skills. Whether you're aiming to master Turkish phrases or seeking practical examples to aid your studies, this resource is your gateway to boosting your language proficiency. Dive in now and start mastering essential Turkish sentences to speak fluently about university experiences!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Birçok öğrenci part-time işlerde çalışır.

    A lot of students have part-time jobs.

  • Bu üniversitede saygın profesörler ders veriyor.

    Respected professors teach at this university.

  • Ders aşırı sıkıcıydı.

    The lecture was extremely boring.

  • Derslere katılmıyordu.

    She was absent from lectures.

  • Elisa anatomi bölümüne kadoldu.

    Elisa has enrolled in the anatomy department.

  • İki İranlı fizik profesörü suikaste uğradı.

    Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.

  • İngiliz edebiyatı bölümünde okuyor.

    He majors in English literature.

  • Kadın içeri girdiğinde adam çoktan iki saatini ders anlatarak geçirmişti.

    He had already spent two hours lecturing when she came in.

  • Kyoto'da çok sayıda üniversite var.

    There are numerous universities in Kyoto.

  • Maria sınava yeterince hazırlandı.

    Maria has sufficiently prepared for the exam.

  • O üniversitede çok iyi bir müfredat uygulanıyor.

    They have a very good curriculum at that university.

  • Psikoloji diploması alabilmek için psikanaliz okuyor.

    He's studying psychoanalysis for his psychology degree.

  • Şirketin kurucuları üniversitede tanışmış.

    The company's founders met in college.

  • Tezini yazmayı bitirdin mi?

    Have you finished writing your thesis?

  • Tom'un mezun olmasına üç ay kaldı.

    Tom has three months left until he graduates.

  • Üniversitede mühendislik okuyor.

    She studies engineering at the university.

  • Üniversitede siyaset okuyor.

    He is studying politics at university.

  • Üniversite, kurucusunun adını taşıyor.

    The university bears the name of its founder.

  • Üniversiteler eğitim kurumlarıdır.

    Universities are educational institutions.

  • Üniversite sana bir burs vermek istiyor.

    The university wants to grant you a scholarship.

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