Turkish Sentences About Weather

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive guide to mastering Turkish vocabulary with 20 essential sentences about "Weather" in Turkish. Perfect for intermediate Turkish learners, this page features carefully curated Turkish sentences accompanied by text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're aiming to improve your Turkish phrases or seeking to understand common weather-related terms, our collection will enhance your language skills effectively. Dive in and practice these Turkish sentences to build your confidence and expand your vocabulary effortlessly. Explore our expertly designed content and take your Turkish learning journey to the next level with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bir hafta boyunca yağmur yağdı.

    It rained for a week.

  • Bir hava durumu uzmanı, hava durumunun her zaman aynı fikirde olmadığı kişidir.

    A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree.

  • Bu çiçekler yağmurdan korunmalı.

    These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.

  • Bugün bu yılın en sıcak günü.

    Today is the hottest day this year.

  • Bugün gökyüzü iç karartacak kadar bulutlu.

    The sky was depressingly cloudy today.

  • Bugün hava çok güzel.

    Today the weather is nice.

  • Bu öğleden sonra muhtemelen yağmur yağacak.

    It will likely rain this afternoon.

  • Fırtına yaklaşıyor.

    The storm is coming.

  • Güneş bulutların arkasından doğdu.

    The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

  • Güneşin doğuşu inanılmaz güzeldi.

    The sunrise was incredibly beautiful.

  • İnsanlar sel yüzünden tahliye edildi.

    The people were evacuated because of the flood.

  • Karanlık bir geceydi.

    It was a dark night.

  • Kasırga bütün köyü silip süpürdü.

    The hurricane obliterated the entire village.

  • Kış yaklaştıkça hava soğuyor.

    It's getting colder as winter approaches.

  • Kötü hava koşullarına bakmaksızın dışarı çıkmaya karar verdim.

    Regardless of the bad weather, I decided to go out.

  • Rüzgâr bütün gece esti.

    The wind blew all night long.

  • Şimşeğin ışığı, gök gürültüsünden önce gelir.

    Lightning precedes thunder.

  • Yağmur bütün gün sürekli yağdı.

    The rain was continuous all day.

  • Yağmurluk giysen iyi olur.

    You had better put on a raincoat.

  • Yağmur yağacağını düşünüyoruz.

    We think it's going to rain.

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