Ukrainian Sentences About Pets

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Enhance your Ukrainian vocabulary with our curated list of authentic sentences about pets, crafted for intermediate learners seeking to grasp Ukrainian phrases used in everyday conversations. Each example is complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, enabling you to not only learn but also practice pronunciation like a native. Dive into our collection of Ukrainian sentences to enrich your lexicon and gain confidence in expressing yourself on the topic of pets. Perfect for expanding your intermediate Ukrainian skills, this resource is your stepping stone to mastering real-world Ukrainian communication. Start learning now and make your Ukrainian language journey a walk in the park!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ви годували папуг?

    Did you feed the parrots?

  • Вона має собаку.

    She has a dog.

  • Вона обожнює своє нове цуценя.

    She adores her new puppy.

  • Вона оплакувала втрату свого улюбленця.

    She mourned the loss of her pet.

  • Вона показала нам своє нове цуценя.

    She showed us her new puppy.

  • Дитина гладить кота.

    The child is stroking a cat.

  • Кіт заплутав усі нитки.

    The cat tangled up all the threads.

  • Кукі - наймиліший з усіх собак.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Мій кіт любить багато спати.

    My cat likes to sleep a lot.

  • Мій пес завжди такий вірний.

    My dog is always so loyal.

  • Мій сторожовий пес пильно реагує на найменший шум та рух.

    My watchdog is alert to the slightest sound and movement.

  • Папуга мервтий.

    The parrot is dead.

  • Пес слідував за своїм господарем, махаючи хвостом.

    The dog followed its master, wagging its tail.

  • Те цуценя дуже миле.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Том надів на свого собаку нашийник від блох.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Том хоче поні.

    Tom wants a pony.

  • У вас є пітони?

    Do you have python snakes?

  • Цей буклет про домашніх тварин.

    This pamphlet is about pets.

  • Чоловік розчісує свого пса гребінцем.

    The man combs his dog with a brush.

  • Шум лякає кота.

    The noise freaks out the cat.

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