Ukrainian Sentences About Religion

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Welcome to Clozemaster, where mastering Ukrainian vocabulary becomes an engaging experience! Our curated list of 20 insightful sentences about "Religion" is designed for intermediate Ukrainian learners seeking to enhance their language skills. Each Ukrainian sentence comes with crisp text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, ensuring a comprehensive learning journey. Dive into the realm of Ukrainian phrases and improve your understanding with context-rich examples. With Clozemaster's interactive approach, expanding your intermediate Ukrainian vocabulary on topics like religion is not just educational, but also culturally enriching. Start now and immerse yourself in the linguistic beauty of Ukrainian!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Боже, почуй мою молитву.

    God, hear my prayer.

  • Буддизм зародився в Індії.

    Buddhism had its beginnings in India.

  • Ви повинні присягнути на Біблії.

    You should swear on the Bible.

  • Він вірить у надприродне.

    He believes in the supernatural.

  • Вона прагнула отримати вибачення за свої помилки.

    She sought atonement for her mistakes.

  • Вона тихо відмолювала свою провину.

    She did her penance quietly.

  • Вони їдять рибу по п'ятницях.

    They eat fish on Fridays.

  • Демон мертвий.

    The demon is dead.

  • Ми чули церковні дзвони.

    We heard the church bells.

  • Навколо голови святого чоловіка з'явився німб.

    A halo appeared around the holy man's head.

  • Одного із учнів Ісуса звали Павло.

    One of Jesus' disciples was named Paul.

  • Промовте ваші молитви.

    Say your prayers.

  • Священик зібрав парафіян у церкві.

    The priest assembled the parishioners in the church.

  • Слава Господу!

    Praise the Lord!

  • Страх перед деякими божественними та вищими силами тримає людей у покорі.

    The fear of some divine and supreme powers keeps men in obedience.

  • Том і Мері продали свої душі.

    Tom and Mary sold their souls.

  • У тій країні люди шанували гроші як божество.

    In that country, people worshipped money like a god.

  • Це біблійний текст.

    This is a biblical text.

  • Я відпускаю тобі твої гріхи.

    I absolve you from your sins.

  • Якби Господь дав одинадцяту заповідь, цікаво, якою б вона була.

    If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been.

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