Ukrainian Sentences About Weather

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Welcome to an engaging platform for boosting your Ukrainian vocabulary, where you can immerse yourself in the language through 20 practical Ukrainian sentences focused on the weather. Clozemaster offers an interactive learning experience designed to elevate your intermediate Ukrainian skills. Our curated list not only features authentic Ukrainian phrases but also comes equipped with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation. Alongside, English translations are provided to ensure understanding. Dive into the rich tapestry of Ukrainian language learning and master weather-related conversations seamlessly. Start now and converse confidently about the climate in Ukraine like a local!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Блискавка передує грому.

    Lightning precedes thunder.

  • Вітер дув всю ніч.

    The wind blew all night long.

  • Дощ йшов безперервно весь день.

    The rain was continuous all day.

  • Їжі ставало обмаль під час посухи.

    Food was getting scarce during the drought.

  • Коли я прокинувся, йшов сніг.

    When I awoke, it was snowing.

  • Людей евакуювали через повінь.

    The people were evacuated because of the flood.

  • Ми думаємо, що піде дощ.

    We think it's going to rain.

  • Ми потіли від спеки.

    We were sweating in the heat.

  • Небо сьогодні було гнітючо хмарне.

    The sky was depressingly cloudy today.

  • Попри погану погоду, я вирішив вийти на вулицю.

    Regardless of the bad weather, I decided to go out.

  • Сонце вийшло з-за хмар.

    The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

  • Ставає холодніше, як наближається зима.

    It's getting colder as winter approaches.

  • Схід сонця був неймовірно красивий.

    The sunrise was incredibly beautiful.

  • Сьогодні найспекотніший день цього року.

    Today is the hottest day this year.

  • Тобі краще надіти плащ від дощу.

    You had better put on a raincoat.

  • Ураган знищив усе село.

    The hurricane obliterated the entire village.

  • Футбольний матч був скорочений через дощ.

    The football game was shortened by rain.

  • Хмара пливла небом.

    A cloud floated across the sky.

  • Це була темна ніч.

    It was a dark night.

  • Ці квіти потрібно захистити від дощу.

    These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.

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