German Sentences About Family
Welcome to Clozemaster – your ultimate resource for mastering intermediate German! Our carefully curated list of 20 insightful sentences about "Family" will not only enhance your German vocabulary but also provide you with authentic German phrases you can use in everyday conversations. Each German sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure accurate pronunciation and comprehension. Whether you're looking to expand your lexicon or practice pronunciation, our German sentences are the perfect tool for learners aiming to progress beyond the basics. Dive into the world of family-related vocabulary and advance your German skills today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Das Kind begann zu springen.
The child began to jump.
Das Mädchen ähnelte ihrer Mutter.
The girl resembled her mother.
Die Kinder waren sich selbst überlassen.
The children were left to fend for themselves.
Die Stiefmutter war hart zu ihr.
The stepmother was hard on her.
Er hat mich mit meiner Mutter verwechselt.
He mistook me for my mother.
Er hat mich seinem Bruder vorgestellt.
He presented me to his brother.
Er ist mit der königlichen Familie verwandt.
He is related to the royal family.
Ich besuche meine Schwester nie.
I never visit my sister.
Ich habe meinem Vater ein Tamburin geschenkt.
I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.
Ich liebe meinen Papa.
I love my dad.
Ich liebe meinen Sohn.
I love my son.
Meine Eltern sind beide Musiker.
Both of my parents are musicians.
Meine Großmutter ist eine diabetische Patientin.
My grandmother is a diabetic patient.
Meine kleine Schwester versucht immer, mich zu provozieren, aber es gelingt ihr nie.
My little sister always tries to get a rise out of me but never succeeds.
Sie hatten nur ein Kind.
They had only one child.
Sie liebt ihren Sohn innig.
She loves her son dearly.
Tom hat einen Bart, genau wie sein Vater, seine Großväter und Brüder.
Tom has a beard, just like his father, grandfathers, and brothers do.
Was hat ihn von seiner Schwester entfremdet?
What has estranged him from his sister?
Wie geht es deinen Großeltern?
How are your grandparents?
Wir haben ein Kind adoptiert.
We adopted a child.
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