German Sentences About Marriage

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate tool for boosting your German vocabulary through immersive learning! Our interactive page features 20 curated German sentences about 'Marriage,' complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Tailored for intermediate German learners, these phrases offer a practical approach to mastering the language in context. Whether you're looking to enhance your conversational skills or expand your understanding of German culture, our resource provides an efficient method to learn authentic German phrases related to marriage. Dive in and practice with our intuitive language games designed to fast-track your German proficiency!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Die Braut strahlte.

    The bride was radiant.

  • Die Familie der Braut stellte eine großzügige Mitgift zur Verfügung.

    The bride's family provided a generous dowry.

  • Diese Braut bedeckt ihr Gesicht mit einem Schleier.

    This bride is covering her face with a veil.

  • Er heiratete eine Flugbegleiterin.

    He married a stewardess.

  • Er trägt einen Platin Ehering.

    He wears a platinum wedding ring.

  • Hochzeiten sind teuer.

    Weddings are expensive.

  • Ich bin mit einer brasilianischen Frau verheiratet.

    I am married to a Brazilian woman.

  • Ich werde dich heiraten.

    I will marry you.

  • Jane blieb bis in ihre Vierziger unverheiratet.

    Jane remained unmarried into her forties.

  • Romeo heiratet Julia.

    Romeo marries Juliet.

  • Sie ist meine Zigeunerfrau.

    She is my gypsy wife.

  • Sie ist nun seit einem Jahrzehnt mit ihm verheiratet.

    She has been married to him for a decade now.

  • Sie war eine Brautjungfer bei der Hochzeit.

    She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.

  • Sie war jahrelang seine geliebte Frau.

    She was his beloved wife for years.

  • Tom hat eheliche Probleme.

    Tom has marital problems.

  • Tom hatte drei gescheiterte Ehen.

    Tom had three failed marriages.

  • Tom war verheiratet, als er zurückkehrte.

    Tom was wed when he returned.

  • Wie viel Zeit verbringst du mit deinem Ehepartner?

    How much time do you spend with your spouse?

  • Wie waren eure Flitterwochen?

    How was your honeymoon?

  • Würdest du in Erwägung ziehen, mich zu heiraten?

    Would you consider marrying me?

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