German Sentences About Stating Preferences

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your German vocabulary! Our curated list of 20 German sentences focused on "Stating Preferences" is perfect for intermediate German learners aiming to polish their language skills. Accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, these practical German phrases will not only enhance your ability to express likes and dislikes but also significantly improve your conversational fluency. Dive in and master the art of stating preferences like a native speaker, while expanding your knowledge of essential German vocabulary with Clozemaster's interactive learning experience. Ready to level up your German? Start now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ein teures Auto ist ein Statussymbol.

    An expensive car is a status symbol.

  • Er bevorzugt Fisch gegenüber Fleisch.

    He prefers fish to meat.

  • Er genießt es, Vegetarier zu sein.

    He enjoys being a vegetarian.

  • Es war ein idealer Tag zum Spazierengehen.

    It was an ideal day for walking.

  • Früh anzukommen ist gut.

    Arriving early is good.

  • Ich bevorzuge Mineralwasser.

    I prefer mineral water.

  • Ich bevorzuge Tee gegenüber Kaffee.

    I prefer tea over coffee.

  • Ich habe beschlossen, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören.

    I decided to quit smoking.

  • Ich mag keinen der Kuchen.

    I like neither of the cakes.

  • Ich mag Süßigkeiten.

    I like candies.

  • Ich würde etwas Jasmin-Grüntee trinken.

    I would drink some jasmine green tea.

  • Kaffee weckt mein Interesse nicht.

    Coffee does not arouse my interest.

  • Magst du Kaffee oder Tee?

    Do you like coffee or tea?

  • Musikgeschmäcker variieren von Person zu Person.

    Music preferences vary from person to person.

  • Natürlich sind viele Senioren mit dem Ruhestand glücklich.

    Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement.

  • Sie ist eine Liebhaberin der Natur.

    She is a lover of nature.

  • Sie ist keine wählerische Esserin.

    She is not a picky eater.

  • Sie mag den Sänger.

    She likes the singer.

  • Wir essen rohen Fisch.

    We eat raw fish.

  • Wir genießen es, an den Strand zu gehen.

    We enjoy going to the beach.

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