French Sentences About Apologizing

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide for intermediate French learners looking to enhance their French vocabulary and master the art of apologizing with essential French phrases. Our curated list of 20 practical sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, provides an interactive way to grasp apologies in French, ensuring your language skills are both polite and proficient. Dive into these context-rich French sentences, perfect for sharpening your conversational abilities and boosting your understanding of French culture. Start impressing native speakers with your eloquence in expressing regret and making amends, crucial for any intermediate French language journey.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • À cet égard, je suis à blâmer.

    In relation to this, I am to blame.

  • Ceci est pour clarifier le malentendu.

    This is to clear up the misunderstanding.

  • C'était ma faute.

    It was my fault.

  • Désolé, mon esprit était ailleurs.

    Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.

  • Désolé pour la question bête.

    Sorry for the dumb question.

  • Désolé pour le désagrément.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Désolé pour l'interruption.

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • Il avait honte de vous déranger.

    He was ashamed of troubling you.

  • Il était sincère dans ses excuses.

    He was earnest in his apology.

  • Il s'est excusé de l'avoir offensée.

    He apologized for having offended her.

  • Il s'est excusé pour ses fautes envers nous.

    He apologized for his trespasses against us.

  • Je m'excuse pour le retard.

    I apologize for the delay.

  • Je n'ai jamais eu l'intention de te tromper.

    I never meant to deceive you.

  • Je n'avais pas le droit de m'immiscer.

    I had no right to interfere.

  • Je suis désolé d'être en retard.

    I'm sorry for being late.

  • Je suis vraiment désolé de vous informer qu'elle est décédée.

    I am very sorry to inform you that she died.

  • Je vous dois des excuses.

    I owe you an apology.

  • Nous sommes désolés pour son erreur.

    We are sorry for his mistake.

  • Pardonnez-moi !

    Forgive me!

  • Tom a avoué avoir renversé le vin rouge.

    Tom admitted to spilling the red wine.

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