French Sentences About Hobbies

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for intermediate French learners aiming to enhance their French vocabulary! Our curated collection of 20 practical French sentences about hobbies is not just text; each comes alive with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. This interactive feature on Clozemaster is designed to help you master French phrases and gain confidence in your language skills. Whether you're passionate about painting or thrilled by theatre, dive into engaging hobbies-related French phrases and watch as your understanding of everyday French conversation takes flight. Start now and make each sentence your stepping stone to French fluency!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bob aime pratiquer les sports.

    Bob enjoys playing sports.

  • Elle adore peindre à la lumière du jour.

    She loves painting in the daylight.

  • Elle adore regarder les poneys courir.

    She loves watching the ponies race.

  • Elle aime faire du pain.

    She likes to make bread.

  • Elle a joué une sonate.

    She played a sonata.

  • Elle joue de la flûte.

    She plays the flute.

  • Il aime démonter des appareils électriques.

    He likes to take electric devices apart.

  • Il aime faire du vélo le matin.

    He loves cycling in the morning.

  • Je jouais du trombone.

    I used to play the trombone.

  • Je joue à des jeux vidéo.

    I play video games.

  • Le jonglage est en fait beaucoup plus facile qu'il n'y paraît.

    Juggling is actually a lot easier than it looks.

  • Liam veut jouer dans la pièce.

    Liam wants to act in the play.

  • Mamie aime regarder la télévision.

    Grandma likes watching TV.

  • Mon mari et moi avions l'habitude de faire de l'escalade ensemble.

    My hubby and I used to go mountain climbing together.

  • Nous avons visité le musée.

    We visited the museum.

  • Sais-tu jongler ?

    Do you know how to juggle?

  • Tom adore le ski.

    Tom loves skiing.

  • Tom a terminé le puzzle casse-tête.

    Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

  • Tom est un bon guitariste.

    Tom is a good guitarist.

  • Tom lit généralement seulement les titres.

    Tom usually only reads the headlines.

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