French Sentences About Art

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Master the language of Monet and Degas with engaging French sentences on art! Our curated list of 20 French phrases, complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and English translations, is designed to enrich your French vocabulary and elevate your grasp on intermediate French. Immerse yourself in the aesthetic dialogue that defines French culture while listening, repeating, and practicing key expressions. Whether you're an art enthusiast or a language learner, Clozemaster will help you confidently discuss 'l'art' as you seamlessly integrate these vivid French sentences into your daily conversations. Start speaking like a true art connoisseur today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ce poème a été écrit par un poète inconnu.

    This poem was written by a nameless poet.

  • C'est un artiste excentrique.

    He is an eccentric artist.

  • Cette conversation est un chef-d'œuvre.

    This conversation is a masterpiece.

  • Cette pièce est une comédie musicale.

    This play is a musical.

  • Elle adore peindre, mais déteste dessiner.

    She loves painting but hates drawing.

  • Elle est l'artiste la plus talentueuse que je connaisse.

    She's the most talented artist I know.

  • Elle s'est tournée vers l'écriture de poèmes comme une sorte de consolation.

    She turned to her writing of poetry as a kind of consolation.

  • Elle va se produire au concert.

    She will perform at the concert.

  • Faire de la réalisation est ce que tous les acteurs disent vouloir faire.

    Directing is what all actors say they want to do.

  • L'artiste crée des sculptures stupéfiantes.

    The artist creates stunning sculptures.

  • Le jardin a été conçu pour créer un équilibre harmonieux entre la nature et l'architecture.

    The garden was designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.

  • Le mur est couvert de graffitis.

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • Le musée présentait un étalage d'art impressionnant.

    The museum had a stunning display of art.

  • Le portrait avait un arrière-plan sombre.

    The portrait had a dark background.

  • Les murs de sa chambre étaient couverts d'affiches.

    The walls of her room were covered in posters.

  • Le style de l'illustrateur est assez fantaisiste.

    The illustrator's style is quite whimsical.

  • Nous avons applaudi l'artiste.

    We gave the performer a clap.

  • Sa dernière création est un chef-d'œuvre.

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • Tom a vu les expositions.

    Tom saw the exhibits.

  • Tout le monde applaudissait sa performance.

    Everyone was applauding his performance.

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